PA Child Support Program

Pennsylvania Addendum to the Multistate Financial Institution Data Match Specifications Handbook

FIDM Addendum

The Pennsylvania Financial Institution Data Match (PA FIDM) Program is required to use the Multistate Financial Institution Data Match Specifications Handbook provided by the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement. You may download a copy of this handbook at:

Pennsylvania has modified its PA FIDM Program requirements and file specifications to match the Multistate FIDM file specifications according to the Multistate Financial Institution Data Match Specifications Handbook. All institutions participating in the PA FIDM Program are required to follow these Federal specifications.

However, please be aware of significant differences between the Federal FIDM Program and the PA FIDM Program. Please be sure to carefully review this document in its entirety. The differences between the Federal program and the PA FIDM Program are illustrated in the tables below.

Position Size Description Comment/Format
FEDERAL 351-357 7 Account Balance Numeric, whole dollars, sign trailing. Zeros are required if Position 361 = 0
PA 351-357 7 Account Balance Must be reported cannot be blank
FEDERAL 361 1 Account Balance Indicator 0 = Not Provided
1 = Average Balance
2 = Current Balance
PA 361 1 Account Balance Indicator 0 - Not allowed, only 1 or 2
FEDERAL 362 1 Account Update File Indicator 0 = Delete (closed account)
1 = Add-new account since last match
2 = Change (name/address)
PA 362 1 Account Update File Indicator BLANK
FEDERAL 371 1 Data Match File Indicator M = Method 2
A = Method 1
U = Account File Update
PA 371 1 Data Match File Indicator U = Not allowed, only M & A

Please also note the following Pennsylvania specific program requirements:

    • The PA FIDM Program will not accept data files in EBCDIC format.
    • All data files must be in ASCII format.
    • The PA FIDM Program will not accept data files that span multiple media. The header, detail, and trailer records ("A", "B", and "T" records in the Federal Multistate Financial Institution Data Match Specifications Handbook) must be able to fit onto one media. Therefore, the Financial Institution must select a media type that will be able to hold the data files for one quarter for one Financial Institution.
    • Each media type must contain only one file. The file may have multiple "A", "B", and "T" records.
    • The PA FIDM Program does not accept 1099 file formats.
    • PA FIDM Program File Naming Conventions. The following file naming conventions have been developed for Method 1 and Method 2.

Method Type Descriptions File Name
Method 1 All Accounts File ALLACCTS.TXT
Method 2 Matched File MATCH.TXT

Please be sure to use these file names for all data file exchanges.

    • Media labeling procedures. The following procedures are applicable to both Method 1 and Method 2 filers.

If a Financial Institution is submitting its own account file, the following information must be included on the label:

    • Financial Institution Name and FI FEIN
    • Data Processor (DP) Name, DP FEIN, and DP Contact Name and Phone Number
    • Method (1 or 2)
    • The calendar quarter being submitted - (1, 2, 3, or 4)

If the Financial Institution and Data Processor are the same, it is not necessary to repeat the FI Name and FI FEIN in the DP Name and DP FEIN section. The Contact Name and Phone Number must still be provided.

If a Third Party Data Processor is submitting the account file, the following information must be included on the label:

    • Data Processor Name, DP FEIN, and DP Contact Name and Phone Number
    • Method (1 or 2)
    • The calendar quarter being submitted - (1, 2, 3, or 4)
    • On a separate piece of paper, the Third Party Data Processor must include each Financial Institution Name and FI FEIN included on the media

For both Financial Institutions and Third Party Data Processors, the reporting quarter must be included on each media label. The reporting quarters establish a file submission frequency to the PA FIDM Program. The following reporting quarters are:

    • Quarter 1 - January 1 through March 31
    • Quarter 2 - April 1 through June 30
    • Quarter 3 - July 1 through September 30
    • Quarter 4 - October 1 through December 31

If media is reused, please do not remove or conceal the PA FIDM Program’s media label. Please add a new FI label or Third Party Data Processor label to the media. Be sure that these two labels are visible and clear. The two labels must not overlap one another.

For additional clarification regarding technical modifications or reporting methods, please refer to the amendment or contact Informatix, Inc.